Come check us out at our next event or meeting.
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Come check us out at our next event or meeting.
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Below is all the events we know about, if you wish to include your event here, please reach out to us!
TCC hosts the annual kickoff BBQ to the Corvette season. Members from the surrounding Corvette Clubs attend and share the upcoming events and shows for the years. This is a great way to get involved with the upcoming season.
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
****Special Guest speaker Don Kitch Jr. from ProFormance Racing School will be speaking about his driving school classes. We hope to put together a group session! More about Don here.
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
June 7th Anacortes Seafood Fest sponsored by Majestic Glass Corvette Club
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
PSCC will be participating in the Steilacoom 4th of July parade followed with a BBQ . Details upcoming.
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
Corvette Weekend sponsored by Southern Oregon Corvette Club Medford, OR
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
August 9thAl and Nancy Trip to Eastern Washington winery Zillla?
August 21-24 British Columbia Corvette Club 60th Anniversary
GOCC Cruise to the CA Redwoods
TCC Gamblin Chevrolet 10th Annual Corvette Show
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
Assuming September 7th is the Seahawks home opener. Paul and Leah will host a drive in BBQ open house. Details to follow.
September 12th -14th Corvettes on the Columbia Tri Cities
September 20th Mima Mounds and Tumwater Falls Nancy and Al
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
October 11th 3rd Annual PSCC Annual Drive to Mt. Rainer Hosted by Paul and Leah
We invite you to join part of our monthly Puget Sound Corvette Club meeting. Dinner at 6:00PM and general meeting at 7:00PM.
Black Bear Diner Lakewood, 10115 S Tacoma Way, Lakewood, WA 98499, USA
Sock Hop at LeMay Marymount social event
Social Event PSCC Annual Christmas Potluck and meeting location TBD
Upcoming Events coming soon!